Nuclear Services

BVG has come up with advanced gamma scanning technology known as, Accuscan. Using Accuscan technology, diagnosis of troubles, investigation of shell thickness reduction is possible in operational conditions.

BVG has developed innovative technique for thickness reduction and internal depositions in pipelines in operating conditions. Using this technique we can increase efficiency of fluid transportation and prevent incidents of failure.

BVG provides unique and patented technique to exactely identify the location of blockage and extent of blockage in pipelines.Using this technique we can increase efficiency of fluid transportation and prevent ontoward incidents of failure.

BVG Nuclear has come up with advanced patented scanning technology known as, Leak-Pin Technique. Using Leak-Pin technique we can find out leak location of underground pipeline without digging the entire area.

BVG Nuclear has developed a preventive Conveyor Belt inspection technique to identify a location where belt may fail. In this technique an array of low activity gamma source and array of radiation detectors are used.

BVG Nuclear provides unique and patented technique to pinpoint the Dam leakage area and its extent with very high accuracy using radiation based technology with specially designed, unique, Underwater Radiation Detection system (URD)

BVG Nuclear provides unique and patented radiotracer technique to identify the leaky heat exchanger. An unsealed radio tracer is injected through injection point and traced with series of SIPM detectors.

BVG Nuclear has come up with patented and advanced gamma back scatered technology to diagnosis of concrete column. Using this technology, health of concreate coloumn as well as internal steel strength can eaisly identified.